About Us
When Feeding Becomes A Concern
Eatability Feeding Services recognises that parents can have ‘gut feelings’ that their child is not hitting their milestones or something is not quite right in their development.
Have you been told that “all kids are fussy eaters” and “your child will grow out of it”? These statements are not true. Research shows that 20% of children will have some difficulty with their feeding between birth and 7 years of age. Feeding is the most complex task that we do and only half of children will outgrow their feeding difficulties.
Persistent feeding difficulties can result in lower body mass indexes (BMI’s), reduced nutrient intake, rigid feeding habits, food refusal and parental stress. Research shows that early intervention is crucial for a child’s development and growth.
Eatability Feeding Services looks at the big picture and what might be impacting your child’s eating/drinking and feeding. This includes oromotor skills, medical issues, how your child is processing senses like smell/taste, what’s happening in the environment, mealtime relationships and more.
Eatability Feeding Services understands that mealtimes can be extremely stressful when your child will not eat. Eatability Feeding Services can help you learn what might be contributing to your child’s feeding problems, and how you can teach your child to develop their skills to enjoy family mealtimes and social events.
Eatability Feeding Services will work with you to teach your child how to develop their skills, tolerate different textures/foods, manage sensory experiences, how to integrate therapy strategies at home and enjoy mealtimes. Our speech pathologists are highly skilled to address all areas contributing to your child’s feeding challenges.

What We Believe
- Children learn about food by wearing it and getting messy.
- Some children have missed opportunities to learn developmental skills that they need.
- Children need to eat a range of nutritious foods to stay healthy, have energy for playing and attention for learning.
- Mealtimes should be shared with family and friends.
- The parent/child partnership is important for feeding and mealtimes.